Put a stressful year behind you with joy

The holidays can be a wonderful time of the year for many, and can also be a very stressful time, especially after an incredibly stressful year. What are you noticing about your feelings as you enter 2021?

I notice I can put a lot of pressure on myself during the holidays, and it can make me more anxious than other times of year. When our world is already in turmoil, it can also make me worry more about the future, especially for my kids. So, perhaps your “holiday” has left you a little sapped entering a new year. 

Let’s create a joyful start and design a better start to the break you deserve.

If you are constantly stressed or worried, or live and work in a state of fear, the energy of your body can become frenzied and even blocked. Our body has a natural weathervane that is connected to a network of energy circuits that constantly informs our individual body parts on how to respond in the moment. 

We know when we are in the zone—we feel good. But by slowing down and truly listening to the natural sounds of our body, we can ease anxiety and guide the wellbeing of our body and mind, as well as acknowledge the emotions that swirl around us. The following techniques will help you think about the structure of your body in a way that can help your energy flow better.

Clearing the 7 chakras

Ancient practitioners cleared these stressors by following the principle that our daily experiences are shaped by the colors in our life. They are also attached to the energy of our bodies, which constantly balance the layers of energy that circulate throughout the seven centers or color zones. Ancient practitioners called these seven color centers chakras, which means “spinning wheels.” Chakras are arranged vertically from the base of the spine to the crown of the head; they are associated with both varying energy waves and the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet— also known as ROYGBIV. 

When all that energy is flowing, you feel good, so care is required to keep these centers open and in balance. 

Red or R-Zone: spine near the tailbone
This zone helps you put fear aside and be totally present. When the R-zone is uncluttered, you feel supported by your body; you can draw upon this zone as an endless supply of stabilizing energy. When this zone becomes cluttered, you feel scattered and drained. You might shut down easily and have difficulty taking feedback. Cleaning out the R-zone helps you feel more secure and confident to simply be you. The several aromas that catalyze the clearing for energy to flow include patchouli, clove, and vetiver. Affirmation: “I am steady and grounded.” 

Orange or O-Zone: just below your belly button
This zone helps give you a sense of belonging and a sense of humor. It can also help you use your emotions positively, rather than being a victim to them. When the O-zone becomes cluttered, you are irritable, uninspired, and find yourself operating on autopilot. Cleaning out the O-zone ensures that you can express yourself without holding back, while still feeling compassionate. Among several aromas that catalyze the clearing for energy to flow are geranium, sandalwood, and ylang-ylang. Affirmation: “I feel content.” 

Yellow of Y-Zone: between your chest and naval
This ritual is a good way to start the day, as it puts you in a mind-set to tackle the day’s challenges with optimism and self-assurance. This zone is a source of decisive confidence that helps you address problems more easily. When the Y-zone becomes cluttered, you feel angry and experience mental blocks. Cleaning out the Y-zone motivates you to achieve goals with bubbly self-confidence. Among several aromas that catalyze the clearing for energy to flow are lavender, rosemary, peppermint, and chamomile. Affirmation: “I am a force of light.”

Green or G-Zone: around your heart
This zone is all about your love for others as well as yourself, which is vital in order to feel a sense of harmony. It is a source of both sympathy and empathy for others. When the G-zone becomes cluttered, you might feel down and not want to socialize with people. Cleaning out the G-zone enables harmony and love and connection with others. The several aromas that catalyze the clearing for energy to flow include jasmine and marjoram. Affirmation: “I love me better than anyone else.”

Blue or B-Zone: around your throat 
This zone deals with expression and helpful communication. It is a source of creativity and the flow of ideas and thoughts. When the B-zone becomes cluttered, your voice probably sounds shaky; you apologize constantly, or feel rejected and struggle to express yourself. Cleaning out the B-zone enables your voice to speak its truth with confidence and not be misunderstood by others. Among several aromas that catalyze the clearing for energy to flow are rosemary, grapefruit, sage, and frankincense. Affirmation: “I love me better than anyone else.”

Indigo or I-Zone: between your eyebrows
This zone correlates with your intuition and trusting your gut. It is a source of insight and keeping mentally fit. When the I-zone becomes cluttered, you may overthink everything and feel paralyzed in making decisions. Cleaning out the I-zone can ease mental blocks and expand capacity and resourcefulness to deal with challenges and unforeseen consequences. Among several aromas that catalyze the clearing for energy to flow are orange, mint, and jasmine. Affirmation: “I say what I mean, and I mean what I say.”

Violet or V-Zone: crown of your head
This zone is about wisdom and extraordinary, selfless leadership. It is a source of understanding and open-mindedness. When the V-zone becomes cluttered, you may feel chronic exhaustion, a lack of purpose, and disconnected from nature. Cleaning out the V-zone can shift your outlook and help you feel more joy by noticing your own charm in the beauty that surrounds you. The world is truly magical. The several aromas that catalyze the clearing for energy to flow include lotus, frankincense, and angelica. Affirmation: “I see clearly.”

“I feel frazzled and need time to think.” 

Take a minute for yourself to destress by trying this simple ancient ritual.

  • Find a quiet space and sit comfortably. 
  • Close your eyes and take a few deep 
  • Scan all of your ROYGBIV zones one by one. 
  • Take a few minutes to notice any particular zone that stands out more than others. 
  • Give yourself a minute to identify any emotions or thoughts that pop up.
  • Say the zone or zones’ affirmation(s) to yourself. 
  • Sit quietly for a few minutes and feel the flow between the zones.
  • Slowly open your eyes and take another deep, cleansing breath. 

When life becomes noisy and stressful, simply taking the time to be quiet can soothe our nerves. Taking a few moments to stop and pause in silence also allows us to see things that we may miss when we are in a hurry. Rituals such as this one—as well as prayer, meditation, and yoga—provide a structured framework for achieving this soothing and can help us to reconnect with ourselves.