A whole-being approach at S.H.E. Summit
S.H.E. Inspires a whole-being approach. I’m THRILLED to be a speaker at this year’s 9th annual S.H.E. Summit conference! I’ll be among some incredible speakers
S.H.E. Inspires a whole-being approach. I’m THRILLED to be a speaker at this year’s 9th annual S.H.E. Summit conference! I’ll be among some incredible speakers
Julia Weekes is the poster child for resilience. Spend any amount of time with her and you walk away stronger. Not only does she model
Did you know we just had World Mental Health Day? I think it slipped by too fast. In an unprecedented and unpredictable world, emotional distress
Jayne Babine feverishly typed her notes while sitting comfortably on the pillows as our guru told stories of the healing powers of herbs, essential oils,
Daria Kalinina and I struck up our friendship after many years of her styling my hair. I always look forward to her medicine given the
Imagine yourself attending a health certification course and you do not know a single person in attendance. You scan the room to decide where to