Dispersed throughout Living Full Circle, you will find a collection of “personal spotlights” that are insights from some of my colleagues in the holistic health counselor certification group and a few others who have undergone similar coursework. Their stories are intended to highlight the unexpected impact of adopting new rituals into daily routines. I cannot say enough how insignificant we thought some of these rituals would be before we started doing them. Sharing our personal transformations with one another motivated us to stick with them.
I am honored to include a brief glimpse into the practices and their experiences in order to demonstrate the great impact that a tiny change can have on many areas of our lives. Being surrounded by colleagues who became my teachers and mentors was an extraordinary gift as I began rethinking my philosophy and dismantling the structure of my day-to-day life. It allowed me to deal with extraordinary change and personal challenge in healthier ways, and for that I am forever grateful.
My intent is to illuminate their stories and others on this site so that you can be encouraged and learn more about their extraordinary gifts. We are interwoven networks of energy that support each other as we grow and learn to continuously come back to ourselves. I would love to hear from you and hear more about the rituals that have helped you feel better. Check out the personal spotlight below.

OCTOBER 3, 2020
Featured in Living Full Circle’s Spotlight section, Jayne Babine offers personal care rituals that help women balance work/home life demands..
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SPOTLIGHT: Lina Vezzani-Katano
NOVEMBER 7, 2020
I am in awe of Lina Vezzani-Katano. Her ability to focus and stay grounded. I am not talking about avoiding the typical daily distractions...
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OCTOBER 25, 2020
Julia Weekes is the poster child for resilience. Spend any amount of time with her and you walk away stronger. Not only does she model...
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SPOTLIGHT Daria Kalinina
SEPTEMBER 17, 2020
Daria Kalinina and I struck up our friendship after many years of her styling my hair. I always look forward to her medicine given...
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SEPTEMBER 10, 2020
Imagine yourself attending a health certification course and you do not know a single person in attendance. You scan the room to decide...
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Jessica Cygan is quiet thunder with a dry sense of humor. You know those times when you are a part of a group session (that is..
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SPOTLIGHT: Nikki Calonge
JANUARY 7, 2020
was so excited to have Nikki be a part of my book project (see excerpt below). She is a lovely sparkly heart that sprinkles..
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